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Found 45637 results for any of the keywords economic justice. Time 0.009 seconds.
The Economic Justice Partnership focuses on creating an equal financiaFrom the basics of setting up an investment account to giving a play-by-play on how interest accrues, the partnership—a Projects for Progress winner—hosts financial literacy workshops with middle and high school students
Building racial, social, and economic justiceBuilding racial, social, and economic justice for Native Americans, communities of color, immigrants, refuges and people in rural areas.
History 2003-2013 - United For Peace and JusticeUFPJ began as a national campaign to bring together a broad range of organizations throughout the United States to help coordinate work against a U.S. war on Iraq. At an initial meeting in Washington, DC on October 25, 2
UFPJ Unity Statement - United For Peace and JusticeRead more about UFPJ’s history here.
Statement of Intention on Social Justice | NOFA VermontDate of last update: June 28th, 2021. Staff unanimously affirmed. We will continue to date the last update because we anticipate this document to be living and always in process, reflective of our ongoing growth and lea
Alliance for Housing Justice (AHJ)The Alliance for Housing Justice (AHJ) was formed to address the nation's affordable housing displacement crisis, advance the rights of tenants, respond to harmful public policy actions shift the narrative from housi
End Good Ole Boy Justice Fallon NV | OrganizeForMaps Stamen; Data OSM and contributors, ODbL
GLIDE San Francisco: serving the people of the Tenderloin and San FGLIDE is a nationally recognized center for social justice, dedicated to fighting systemic injustices, creating pathways out of poverty and crisis, and transforming lives. Through our integrated comprehensive services, a
A. Philip Randolph Institute | Social Economic JusticeA. Philip Randolph Institute | Advancing social economic justice for working families. Explore our history, events support the fight for equality.
Building racial, social, and economic justiceOur grantees work with their communities to reimagine and restructure unjust systems—to serve, support and heal people and communities.
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